How to handle capture[security code]:-
How to connect to the database:_-
Database server[MS SQL] Server[Released to project Ex: spice jet, HMS etc..]à data base
1) connection
2) statement
3) result set
Once the carry is executed it will provide the results under thin object.
Desired to gain proficiency on Selenium? Explore the blog post on Selenium Training to become a pro in Selenium. |
To connect to the database we need to specify the specific database server[ms SQl, my SQL, oracle…]
What in ANT and Mover
Both are build management tool
Build: The process of converting the source code to execution code[.jar, .war, .exe] is known as build
The steps we are taking to convert the source code to executable code in known as build management
The below steps are receive to convert the source code to executable
ANT in the old build management root where mover in the advance build management root
Steps to create mover project :
Go to Eclipse
click on java EE
go to file
click on new
select mover project
check the check box (create a single project)
click next
give domain name[group id] (admin)
give project name [artifact id] : spice jet
click on finish
right click on JRE system Library
then configure selenium – stand alone .jar file
create a class by right clicking on SRC/ Main / JAVA
click on new
select class
develop[write] class
Right-click on script select run as java application
Convert: To convert source code to Jar file
Right-click on POM .XML file à click on run as (Missing line pg:78)
jar file was created under the target folder of the mover project
Difference between web application /desktop application
Check out the top Selenium Interview Questions now! |
An array represents a group of elements of the same data type. It can share a group of elements, so we can share a group of int values or groups of float values or groups of string in the array, but we can't share some int values and some float values in the array.
One dimensional array:
Int Marks [];// declare marks array
Marks = new int [s] ;// a lot memory for storing 5 elements
Int marks [] = new int [5];
Two-dimensional array:
String: It is a class data type where it is responsible to share multiple characters
Syntax: string str // Declaration
String : “Rajesh” // Assigning value
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