WPF offers oc wide range of document features that enable the creation of high quality content that is designed to be more easily accessed & read as compared with windows form application& WPF documents also provides integrated services for document display, packaging & security.
WPF documents are divided into two categories Fixed documents
Flow documents
Fixed documents are logically binds an ordered sequence of pages together into a single or multiple pages. Fixed layout documents As a part of its layout, fixed document maintains the pre size (particular) positional placement of content elements
Desktop publishing documents, word processing documents
They do not support in viewing all kind of devices like mobile phones, personal digital assistance etc
The control used to work with fixed documents in WPF is document viewer control
Flow documents is designed to reflow the contents depending on window size, device, resolution & other environment variables. These documents will hare no.of bullet in features like searching, viewing modes, zoom facilities /zooming facilities etc. flow documents are test utilized when making the reading of document as easy and is the primary concern
We can provide that effects like boar, italic and other effect to the context of the flow documents
Flow documents will optimize the viewing and reading experiment for the user based on runtime environment
flow documents can be dynamically reformatted for optimum readability on a wide high resolution display screens or on PDA screens etc EG: for flow documents is a webpage
To work with flow documents we use a class named flow documents present in system.windows.documents namespace We also use following controls to work with how documents
Flow Document Reader
Flow Document Page viewer
Flow Document Scroll viewer These controls are present in System.windows.controls
Flow documents will allow the data to be displayed in multiple columns
Flow documents are best scripted in following situations
We can also include the required images within the flow documents
Some bold text in a paragraph some text that is not List Item 1 List Item 2 List Item 3
Paragraph Section List bold List Item Italic Span underline <Paragraph> <list> <List Item> (</list Item> |</List> </paragraph>
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