.DML Lable{Lable Name}
Do Insert For{missions update}Rows
The value is loaded to the database.
The value which skipped before loaded to the database
A name to the DML Operation to differentiate from one to other
For every table it Requires ET, UV, WT Table for every Import task, it Requires a log table
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The ET table contains the below fields
it contains the error that occurs in the Application phase:
a)unique violation error
b) constrain error
c) overflow error on a column other than PI
It contains DML Task Information
The input data that is Ready to Apply the amp1
Create multiset table w T c Parties
Field, Var Byte(64)Formal ’x(64)’NOT Null
) primary Index(Field);
We need to specify this explicitly
Mainly it is Import the time of Restorable the script
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