End If
If the condition is successes if executes statement1, other wise executes statement2
<SQL Statements>
End while;
If repeats in till condition fails
Loop Label: Label- Name
End loop Label- Name
Till the condition False the loop will be Repeated
Inclined to build a profession as Teradata Developer? Then here is the blog post on, explore Teradata Training
Syntax - Declare<Variable name><Data type>;
Ex - Declare Dept name Varchar(30);
Assigning values to variables;
Syntax - Set < Varchar >=<value>or<variable>or<columnname>
Set Dept name=D Name1;
Set Dept name= IT
9 Digit
Z Zero Suppressed Digit
$Under score etc
# Formatting string
X Single character
MMMM Full month
YY Year
YYYY Full year
B Blank etc…
85000 $9999
Formatting command we can execute only in BTEQ.
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